I'm sorry, but I just can't find the humor in this. After actually knowing people who have killed themselves through the said process, it's not funny. At all.
I've never understood why people harass the people who do cut. Insecurites of their own? Stupidity? Just plain assery? Granted, a lot of people who do cut aren't serious, and don't have any REAL problems, theres always the cases that do; and those cases ruin any humor that this game would have.
I know it's just a game, and I know it's never going to make someone go and kill themselves. People who say this will are idiots. It's just I've never enjoyed jokes concerning cutters. People who make those jokes are ignorant and arrogant, and I don't appreciate it.
It was well programmed, and the graphics were okay(If a tad bland/boring). Gameplay is sort of simple, but I understand it wasn't supposed to be anything special.
Anyways, though, I just felt it necessary to inform the author of this game that he needs to try to make a new understanding of people like that. It's nothing to laugh at, even if the people are being selfish little brats. It can be serious business, and it's a damn shame people do cut.